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Separation Anxiety Toolbox

Separation anxiety occurs when a child becomes anxious or distressed when separated from a parent or caregiver. Although it is a normal part of a child's development, there are many tools that parents & caregivers can use to help children manage separation anxiety.

Childhood Matter's Separation Anxiety Toolbox is filled with activities and resources to help prepare children for separation due to: starting a new school, illness and hospitalization, parent/caregiver only vacations, parent/caregiver work trips, divorce.


The Toolbox Includes

The Kissing Hand Book by Audrey Penn

The Kissing hand Art Activity With Paints And a Paintbrush

A DIY Calm Down Jar

Three Breathing Coloring Exercises

An Eight Count Crayon Box

An Emotion Wheel

A Reusable Sequence Of Event Activity

Adult and Child Bracelet Activity With Poem

A Pocket Heart With Poem

A Plastic Jar With Love Notes

An Empty Photo Album

Tip Cards To Help Use The Coping Tools


*As with all products, use under adult supervision. Not recommended for children 3 years of age and under or for the “put everything in the mouth” group. Pieces could be a choking hazard. If an item is out of stock, we will replace it with the closest form of that particular item.

** The toolbox comes with one book.

Separation Anxiety Toolbox

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