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At Childhood Matters, we strongly believe in community outreach. You can now help us support a child or a family that would benefit most from the resources we have to offer. 

Please fill the form below to nominate a child/family to receive a free toolbox. For a customized toolbox, we will contact you for additional information.

*One nomination will be selected each month. Currently we are only accepting nominations that can be shipped within the United States of America.

 Nominate A Star

Nominate A Child To Receive A Free Toolbox

Which Toolbox Would You Like The Child To Receive

Thanks for for your submission. We will contact you for a shipping address and other details if your nomination is selected.

Super Star Sophia

Sophia, 7, is the receiver of the January “Nominate a Star” Program. She was nominated by her mom to receive the Separation Anxiety Toolbox. Sophia has ADHD and anxiety. Just recently her dad has been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer and just got released from being at the hospital for over 45 days. Her dad has always been her best friend and it is quite challenging for her to have spent so much time away from him when he was hospitalized and due to all his doctor appointments she still misses a lot of time with him.


  Made For The Stars
    Nominations From The First Quarter of 2023 


William Is A Star

William is three and was sponsored by his mom to receive a sensory toolbox to help him through his medical experience with leukemia.

March Stars

Due to community contributions, we were able to send toolboxes to all three nominations this month.


💚A grief and loss toolbox for Dominic, who recently lost his father and is struggling to cope with this loss.

💚A grief and loss toolbox was sent to Tino, who lost his mother due to domestic violence.

💚Harrison received a sensory toolbox to help him through his journey with retinoblastoma.

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